Iodine fights fungi
- Of course, iodine works well against fungi, but it won't eliminate all types of the disease.
- Sometimes iodine can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is important to perform an allergy test before use. All you need is a few drops of iodine in the crook of your elbow.If a burning sensation or other adverse reaction occurs suddenly, it is best not to use iodine to kill the fungus.It is better to choose another option and treatment for yourself.
- After applying iodine, the nail plate was painted yellow.
- Sometimes you may get burned and develop dermatitis.
- Iodine can only be used to fight fungi when the disease begins to spread. Iodine can help if only one-third of the plate is affected.
To solve this problem, you can choose a treatment
- first way. Apply a 5% alcohol solution to the affected area twice a day. 1 drop is enough to cover an area. A cotton swab will help simplify the procedure. Iodine is also dripped onto healthy plates, once every two days.
- Second way. Add iodine to hot water and steam your feet for no more than 15 minutes. The nail will become very soft and flexible and you can now cut it off. Apply 3% hydrogen peroxide to the remaining areas of the skin. The final stage of fungus removal is to apply a bandage coated with antibacterial ointment.
- third way. The treatment period is 6 weeks. Castellani liquid is used during the first two weeks of treatment. The nails are then treated with iodine for two weeks. For the final two weeks, treat the nail plate with a 9% vinegar solution.
- The fourth way.To prepare the solution, you will need to prepare a small jar or bottle. Add a spoonful of salt, preferably a teaspoon. Then add equal amounts of garlic juice, vinegar, and clonitrophenol. Nail treatment solution is ready. Now you need to steam your nails and remove the loose areas. The affected area is treated at night. And don’t forget to shake the product well before use.
- The fifth method. This treatment takes 1 month. You need to learn how to make a special nail salt bath. Dissolve 2 tablespoons sea salt and 1 tablespoon soda water in 1 liter of water. It’s best to take a shower at night and steam your feet for about 30 minutes. Next, you need to put the nail file in the water and smooth the nail plate, then use scissors to remove any loose areas.

kombucha treatment

- To perform the treatment, you will need to tear off a small piece of kombucha, remove the film and grind into a fine state, similar to porridge. This paste is used to rub into the affected area of skin. They do this three times a day.
- Compressed bags are also great at fighting fungus.. You just need to take one layer of mushrooms. After that, soak it in clean water. It is recommended to do further operations at night. Place a small piece of mushroom on the nail in the affected area of the nail plate. Then they put cellophane and a few socks on top. The entire compression process takes overnight. There will be pain, so you need to live with it. In the morning, you need to remove the compress and wash your feet thoroughly with water. Now you can delete all affected dead zones. After that, the nails need to be treated with bright green or potassium permanganate.In this case, the concentration of these solutions should be quite high. Usually the entire treatment course takes 3 to 7 days. As a precaution, treatment continues for several days.
copper sulfate

- Preparing a solution is not difficult. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate in 1 liter of water. The result is a concentrated solution. You need to dilute the product before use. For 1. 5 liters of water, you need to take 1 scoop of concentrate. It is recommended to take a bath with warm water. The duration of this process is 15 minutes.
- To prepare the ointment, you need to take a teaspoon of sulfuric acid and place it on a preheated frying pan.. As a result, the color of the sulfuric acid should change to gray or white. Now you need to add a little goose fat or tar and a teaspoon of yellow sulfur (sold in powder form). All ingredients need to be heated and the result will be an ointment. It is used for processing.
Tar soap and birch tar
table salt and sea salt

- To steam, you'll need to make a body wash. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of sea salt in a cup of water. Now dip a cotton swab in the prepared solution and apply it on your nails for 5 minutes. Now you need to soak your nails in the soda solution.The entire course takes 10 days. Sometimes you may experience mild itching and a slight burning sensation.
- Sea salt and essential oils. Baths based on these ingredients are also made for 10 days. You need 1. 5 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. The salt crystals should be completely dissolved. Now you need to add a teaspoon of essential oil to this salt solution. Instead, you can take 0. 25 ml of iodine or 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
- If the situation is particularly severe, then garlic will come in handy. Dilute 1 tablespoon of salt in a cup of water, crush and add a clove of garlic.